has closed and has nothing left to sell. I have decided to leave the website up as a resource for people interested in fishing with light rods, light lines and light lures - true finesse fishing.

If you want any of the items mentioned on these pages, I can only recommend using your favorite internet search engine.

One Lure Box

by Greg D
(New Mexico)

Plan D Lure Box

Plan D Lure Box

Getting a little quiet out here...Hope everybody is too busy fishing!

Lure boxes!?

Self confession here, I carry too much junk with me to go fishing. I might need this, I might need that! then I go through minimalist cycles and shed all the extras but it never takes long, adding this and adding that and next thing I know I once again carry way too much gear. How many lures can one fish with anyway.

Earlier this year JJ wrote a article on this blog called "One Lure Challenge." His article inspired me to really take a close look at my BFS lure box. While my approach is a little different I believe his concept still applies.

The Approach.
My vision is to have one box of lures that I can either slip in my wader pocket or a small sling pack and it needs to carry all the options that will cover my bases.

Just picking a box alone was quite a challenge.
Having experience from a fly perspective I knew of a box that had some serious promise. Plan D is the brand and they are rather new on the fly scene with some innovative options that show promise for crossover.

Plan D calls this box Pack Max Articulated Plus. It's design intent is for articulated and stinger hook style flies. It adapts quite nicely to lures, spoons and spinners. They also make a smaller version of this box.

Some mods I performed to fit my use include bending sideways some of the hooks which helped my lures fit better. Also I glued in flat magnetic strips to hold terminal tackle such as swivels, clip on blades and clip on weights.

Besides organization, I really like the slit foam design. It holds my lures in place so as to not rattle and rub against each other. Oh, and it's also waterproof.

I struggled with how to box those Dynamic Spinnerbaits but after adding the mag strip I found the upturn hooks to tuck nicely under giving them a solid hold

I finally feel like I have a box that holds everything I might need short of nippers and forceps. It fits in my Simms Wader pocket or my Vedavoo Sling Pack.

Chris, I apologize for promoting a product currently not available from your site. If you don't wish to share I understand. What I like about this blog is it's openness and uniqueness not found elsewhere. I think this Plan D box fits the unique category and maybe if you get enough interest for it, might be a good addition.

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The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.