has closed and has nothing left to sell. I have decided to leave the website up as a resource for people interested in fishing with light rods, light lines and light lures - true finesse fishing.
If you want any of the items mentioned on these pages, I can only recommend using your favorite internet search engine.
by Alan
(Osaka, Japan)
I just discovered your website and am thrilled to see an American website knowledgeable about finesse fishing with Japanese gear for trout. I have only recently rediscovered the joy of trout fishing and, as of last fall, have been learning various techniques from a veteran Japanese angler where I live in Osaka, Japan. The sheer variety of reels, rods, lures etc. here in Japan is mind-boggling and to have access to information written in English is of great help.
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The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.