has closed and has nothing left to sell. I have decided to leave the website up as a resource for people interested in fishing with light rods, light lines and light lures - true finesse fishing.

If you want any of the items mentioned on these pages, I can only recommend using your favorite internet search engine.

Spooning for Trout

by Les Albjerg
(Caldwell, ID)

Micro Snap Swivel on a Shimano Spoon

Micro Snap Swivel on a Shimano Spoon

I must admit, I have been lazy. Just tie the spoon on and fish! Over the last few weeks I have been comparing doing it the lazy way, or putting on a swivel or a snap swivel on the line. I am convinced that a swivel and a spoon is the way to go!

Last Saturday I was fishing in the Boise River. It is very low and clear right now. I was able to see the action of the spoons and the response of the trout. Many times I was sight fishing. In my opinion, you get a better wobble with a swivel. You also protect your line. I was fishing with Japanese 2 pound test line. I caught more fish with a swivel than without one. I know that is subjective, but I think the biggest reason is the current that pulls on the line doesn't affect the spoon action as much. I wish I could say it better. The spoon can wobble independent from the line.

The Shimano Roll Swimmer Spoons, really work well in the colder water! The Black in the picture accounted for about 75% of my fish last Saturday. I caught all planted rainbows and one nice 12 inch brown.

The Cultiva Micro Snap Swivels are worth every penny. The ones I bought at Cabela's are junk in comparison. Both spoons in the pictures cost the same. You can see the quality difference in the JDM spoon over the American spoon. Actually having to replace the hook makes the American spoon more expensive. The Cultiva hooks are exceptionally sharp! Hook sets are simply a wrist snap. With the quality rods that Chris has for us here, it is easy to keep the proper tension on the line to land the fish. I only lost two fish Saturday out of about 20. I doubt that it was because of being barbless.

So I would encourage you to put some swivel in your spoons. I think you will find they work even better, and protect your line as well.

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The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.